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Comedian Bill Cosby appeals his sexual assault conviction

Comedian Bill Cosby, who is serving a three and a half year jail sentence, on Tuesday appealed a Pennsylvania court's verdict that found him guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting a woman 15 years ago.

"This documenting is a significant advance in guaranteeing that Mr Cosby gets a got notification from a reasonable and fair court," the on-screen character's representative, Andrew Wyatt, said. 

"The Constitution ensures that privilege to Mr Cosby - and to all Americans - and he anticipates verifying equity in the court of request," he said in an announcement. 

The 81-year-old, who broke racial hindrances with his spearheading job as a father and specialist on the hit TV arrangement The Cosby Show, (1984-1992), was discovered blameworthy in April 2018 of sedating and explicitly attacking Andrea Constand, presently 46, at his Philadelphia manor. 

It was the main preliminary and first liable decision for rape since the appearance of the #MeToo development. 

A prior preliminary in June 2017 finished in a malfeasance after the jury was unfit to achieve a consistent decision. 

In September 2018, a Pennsylvania judge condemned the on-screen character to three and a half years in jail on three tallies of exasperated disgusting ambush: entrance without Constand's assent; infiltration when she was oblivious and infiltration in the wake of having been sedated. He was promptly imprisoned. 

Albeit in excess of 60 ladies charged that they had been casualties of rape by Cosby, the celebrated comic was attempted criminally just for Constand's strike, since the legal time limit had lapsed in different cases. 

Cosby demands he was shamefully sentenced. 

"America will be extraordinary when it satisfies the last four expressions of the adored Pledge of Allegiance .... 'also, equity for all,'" Cosby's better half Camille said in the announcement. 

Twelve ladies who state they were casualties of Cosby have recorded common suits against the entertainer looking for pay for harms.

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