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Sharjeel Memon granted bail in corruption case

KARACHI: The Sindh High Court (SHC) on Tuesday granted bail to former Sindh information minister Sharjeel Memon in a  corruption case.

The court had saved its decision in the past hearing on a bail request documented by Memon. 

As indicated by News resources, the court ordered him to submit Rs5 million surety bonds and ordered that his name be put on the Exit Control List (ECL). 

Sharjeel Memon was captured by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in October after the SHC rejected his bail. 

Memon alongside 12 others is blamed for defilement in the honor of promotions of the Sindh government's mindfulness battles in the electronic media. 

The other denounced for the situation incorporate civil servants, authorities of the information department and members of private advertising agencies.

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