WASHINGTON: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said Monday’s White House talks between the top Pakistani and American leaders mark a new beginning in the bilateral relations.

He was advising the Pakistani media after over three hours of talks, gatherings driven by Prime Minister Imran Khan and President Donald Trump. 

Going into the discussions, President Trump offered to intervene among Pakistan and India on the key Kashmir issue and hailed Islamabad's assistance in encouraging talks among US and the Afghan Taliban. 

The remote priest depicted President Trump's obvious position on the Kashmir question as uncommon. 

Qureshi said Pakistan anticipates helpful relations between the two nations after real to life discourses between the leader and the US president. 

The outside clergyman put together his positive thinking with respect to the improved atmosphere of trust and advancement of compatibility between Prime Minister Khan and President Trump. 

“President Trump said the US wants to build a broad-based enduring partnership with Pakistan,” the foreign minister said. 
“We had very good and candid discussions. We have to be mindful that it’s been after five years that the top leaders of the two countries have met for extensive talks.”

He said Pakistan and the United States have an intermingling of goal for Afghanistan as both need harmony and strength in the nation." 

The outside clergyman alluded to President Trump's explanations that discuss the warming relations between the two nations. 

For instance, Qureshi noticed that Trump unmistakably said he needs to have an incredible exchange association with Pakistan. He applauded the PM and said it is awesome to collaborate with Pakistan. 

Trump was keen to the Pakistani military and political authority for being in agreement, the outside pastor said. 

He said Prime Minister Imran Khan in his interaction with US President Donald Trump invited him to visit Pakistan, which the latter accepted readily.

Qureshi named the gathering between the two rulers as 'Noteworthy, empowering' and trusted that it will open new section in the relations between the two nations.