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A college lecturer Junaid Hafeez in Pakistan has been condemned to death for blasphemy

Junaid Hafeez, 33, was captured in March 2013 and blamed for posting disparaging remarks about the Prophet Muhammad via web-based networking media. 

Claims of blasphemy are paid attention to very in Pakistan, and even an allegation is regularly enough to make somebody an objective for hardliners. 

Mr Hafeez's first legal counselor, Rashid Rehman, was shot dead in 2014 subsequent to consenting to take working on this issue. 

The speaker has additionally gone through years in isolation, after rehashed assaults by different detainees. 

The sentence was conveyed by a court in the Central Jail in Multan, where Mr Hafeez was being held. 

Mr Hafeez had contemplated a Master's qualification in the US on a Fulbright Scholarship, represent considerable authority in American writing, photography and theater. 

Subsequent to coming back to Pakistan he took up a lecturer position at Bahauddin Zakariya University (BZU) in Multan, where he worked until his capture. 

Mr Hafeez's present insight said the decision was "generally terrible", and disclosed to AFP news office that they would advance against the choice. 

Arraignment legal counselors, in the interim, conveyed desserts to their associates, who recited "Allahu akbar" and "passing to blasphemers". 

Pardon International said the decision was "a gross unsuccessful labor of equity" and portrayed it as "amazingly baffling and astounding".

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