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US Congress members reject dictation from India on occupied Kashmir

WASHINGTON: US Congress individuals have rejected India's moves to direct or quietness American lawmakers on the issue of abominations in occupied Kashmir. 

A large group of American officials, Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren, two driving Democratic Party possibility for the 2020 US presidential decisions; the Co-Chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, Congressman Jim McGovern, and various different individuals from the US Congress have communicated worry at India's endeavors to quiet or direct responses of American administrators to the limitations and human rights maltreatment in Indian-held Kashmir. 

The judgment from US officials comes after Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Friday dropped a gathering with the extremely prominent and significant Congress House Committee on Foreign Affairs. 

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Eliot Engel had denied a solicitation from Jaishankar to prohibit Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal from the gathering. Engel had turned down the solicitation. 

Congresswoman Jayapal had moved Resolution 745 in Congress on Dec 6, 2019 against Indian barbarities in occupied Kashmir. Twenty-nine individuals from the Congress co-supported that goals, which is well on the way to be received soon. 

In the goals, Congresswoman Jayapal had requested that India lift the correspondence bar forced since Aug 5 in occupied Kashmir, reestablish every political right of Kashmiris, discharge political detainees and prisoners, and permit human rights associations and writers access to the region. 

On October 22, 2019, when the subcommittee of the Foreign Affairs Committee on Asia had held a blistering hearing on occupied Kashmir, Congresswoman Jayapal had unequivocally featured the maltreatment of human rights in Indian-held Kashmir after Aug 5. 

Before dropping his significant gathering with the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Jaishankar had remarked that Congresswoman Jayapal “did not understand” the occupied Kashmir issue and he was not keen on meeting her. 

Responding to the Indian priest's choice, Senator Bernie Sanders commented: “Shutting out US lawmakers who are standing up for human rights is what we expect from authoritarian regimes—not the government of India. Congresswoman Jayapal must not be excluded for being outspoken about the unacceptable crackdown on Kashmiris and Muslims.”

Another Democratic Party possibility for the US administration, Senator Elizabeth Warren, stated: “Efforts to silence Pramila Jayapal are deeply troubling. The US and India have an important partnership — but our partnership can only succeed if it is rooted in honest dialogue and shared respect for religious pluralism, democracy, and human rights.” 

Rep Jim McGovern, the co-seat of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, remarked: “No foreign government should dictate who is or is not allowed into meetings on Capitol Hill. I stand with Rep. Jayapal and applaud Rep Engel (chairman US House Foreign Relations Committee) and others for doing the same."

Representative Kamala Harris, who till as of late was a presidential up-and-comer, commented: “It’s wrong for any foreign government to tell Congress what members are allowed in meetings on Capitol Hill. I stand with Rep. Jayapal and I'm glad her colleagues in the House did too”.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib responded: “True democracies tolerate dissent. Thank you Rep. Jayapal for being a moral voice on this and so many issues before us. Just like students across India are holding the Indian government accountable, we need to continue to do so in Congress!" 

The response from Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was: “True democracies tolerate dissent. Thank you Rep. Jayapal for being a moral voice on this and so many issues before us. Just like students across India are holding the Indian government accountable, we need to continue to do so in Congress!"

Rep. Jayapal remarked, “The cancellation of this meeting was deeply disturbing. It only furthers the idea that the Indian government isn’t willing to listen to any dissent at all”.

The Indian government is additionally under tension from US legislators on the as of late passed Citizenship Amendment Act, which has started across the board dissents and brought about 17 passings. 

The US Ambassador everywhere for International Religious Freedom, Ambassador Sam Brownback, as of late expressed that the US is worried about the ramifications of the Indian Citizenship Amendment Act and trusted that Indian government would maintain its sacred responsibilities, including strict opportunity. 

The US Congress House Foreign Affairs Committee has independently expressed that any strict test for citizenship undermines the most fundamental majority rule precept of strict pluralism. 

US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy and Human Rights Robert Destro has additionally communicated serious second thoughts about the law in an ongoing congressional hearing. 

Similarly, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom has requested approvals against Indian Home Minister Amit Shah (broadly saw to be the modeler of the bill) and other people who moved the law. 

Rep. Rashida Tlaib had likewise documented Resolution 724 in the US Congress on Nov 21, 2019 which, notwithstanding looking for a conclusion to human rights infringement, reaffirms Kashmiris' entitlement to self-assurance. 

Indian External Affairs Minister Mr. Jaishankar had gone through seven days in October attempting to prevail upon US officials and research organizations on the BJP government's approach on occupied Kashmir. 

During his ongoing US visit for 2+2 clerical gatherings, Jaishankar had again attempted to persuade US administrators about New Delhi's occupied Kashmir and citizenship approaches. 

In any case, the priest wound up in an unforeseen spat with the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, which has oversight on US State Department and its strategies. This is probably going to additionally debilitate India's case on occupied Kashmir and citizenship enactment among US officials and put pressure on the US State Department to take a more grounded situation to address these issues. which concern South Asian and worldwide harmony and advancement.

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