Kejriwal said that Prime Minister Modi promised 15 lakh rupees, 2 crore jobs every year, implementing the Swaminathan report, doubling farmer income by 2022, providing 24-hour electricity by 2022, a bullet train between Sabarmati and Mumbai by August 15, 2022, guaranteeing 100 smart cities, but none of these guarantees were fulfilled.
Delhi's Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal held a press conference and gave 10 guarantees to the people for the Lok Sabha elections. During this, CM Kejriwal said that due to my arrest, there was a slight delay, but there are still several phases of the election left. He said that if this is Kejriwal's guarantee, then I guarantee that after the formation of the India Block government, I will fulfill them. This guarantee is the vision of India. He said that nowadays there is talk of Modi's guarantee in the country. The country decides whom to trust, Modi or Kejriwal.
Kejriwal said that PM Modi promised 15 lakh rupees, 2 crore jobs every year, implementing the Swaminathan report, doubling farmer income by 2022, providing 24-hour electricity by 2022, a bullet train between Sabarmati and Mumbai by August 15, 2022, guaranteeing 100 smart cities, but none of these guarantees were fulfilled.
Arvind Kejriwal said that we fulfilled our guarantees by establishing schools, neighborhood clinics. On one hand, there is Modi's guarantee, on the other hand, there is Kejriwal's guarantee. He asked, who will fulfill Modi's guarantee? Kejriwal will fulfill Kejriwal's guarantee.
These are CM Kejriwal's 10 guarantees:
- Electricity Guarantee - Provide 24-hour and free electricity across the country. Like in Delhi, we will do it across the country. There will be no power cuts anywhere. It will cost around one and a half lakh crore rupees. Poor people across the country will get 200 units of free electricity.
- Education Guarantee - We will make government schools better than private schools like in Delhi-Punjab across the country. There will be arrangements for free education. It will cost 5 lakh crore rupees.
- Health Guarantee - If the people are healthy, the country will progress. It's not just the Prime Minister, but the people who lead the country forward. Private exploitation and government hospitals are in a bad condition. Government hospitals will be like private ones. Insurance-based schemes are a scam. It will cost 5 lakh crore rupees.
- National Supremacy - China has occupied our land. This problem will not be solved by hiding. We will free the country's land from China's occupation. The army will not be stopped.
- Agniveer Scheme - By ending the Agniveer scheme, all military recruitments will be conducted under the old process. All Agniveers recruited so far will be made permanent.
- Farmers of the country - By determining MSP on all crops according to the Swaminathan Commission, farmers will be given full prices for crops.
- Democracy - We will give full statehood status to Delhi.
- Unemployment - There is detailed planning for unemployment. It will be eliminated systematically. Arrangements will be made for 2 crore jobs in the next one year.
- Corruption - We will break BJP's washing machine in the square. We will end the protection of dishonest people. We will rid the country of corruption.
- The central government is scaring businessmen. We will simplify GST. We will be able to open industries in the country. Our target is to leave behind China's business.