Islamabad: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan's (TTP) representative Ehsanullah Ehsan, who was liable for shooting Malala Yousafzai and completing the Peshawar Army school fear assault, has gotten away from an Army prison in Pakistan. 

In a sound account discharged on Thursday and shared by means of an online private informing stage, Ehsanullah guaranteed that he has prevailing with regards to getting away from prison on January 11. 

Ehsanullah, likewise representative of another feared gathering Jamaat ul Abrar, is liable for a few dread assaults in Pakistan and conveyed an abundance of $1 million on his head. 

In 2012, he shot Malala. She later proceeded to turn into the joint champ of the Nobel Peace Prize. 

Ehsanullah shot the then school young lady, Malala, in the head for opposing Taliban diktats and seeking after her instruction and featuring barbarities of the activist outfit. 

Ehsanullah is additionally a prime charged in the 2014 Army Public School (APS) Peshawar assault in which 134 school children and 15 staff individuals were slaughtered. 

He was likewise engaged with the suicide shelling of Shiites in Rawalpindi and Karachi, slaughtering nine outside voyagers and their guide in Gilgit-Baltistan region. Plus, the twin impacts focusing on harmony advisory group volunteers in Mohmand office; suicide assault close to the Wagah outskirt and the 2016 shelling of an Easter assembling in a Lahore park that slaughtered at any rate 75 individuals and harmed more than 300. 

In 2017, he gave up before the Pakistan Army under "secretive conditions". 

Not long after his give up, a Pakistani TV channel was permitted to talk with Ehsan who at the time asserted that he was working for India's outer knowledge organization, Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW). 

Be that as it may, following three years in care, Pakistani Army was at this point to record a charge sheet against him, sources in Islamabad said. 

Sources in Islamabad confirmed that the audio clipping was Ehsanullah's voice.

Talking in Urdu, Ehsanullah guaranteed that he had kept law over the most recent three years yet Pakistan's unscrupulous and degenerate foundations had tricked him and his family. He said he had been compelled to give explanations, implying the TV news meet, under an understanding among him and Pakistani specialists yet none of the guarantees were kept. 

Ehsanullah said that he would before long uncover all the authorities who were associated with the connivance against him.