LONDON: More than 50 British parliamentarians from the Conservative and Labor seats went to two occasions in the House of Commons to show solidarity with the people of involved Kashmir. 

The occasions, in a steady progression, were composed independently by Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK and Women Council of Jammu Kashmir Self-Determination Movement International (JKSDMI), and went to by President Azad Kashmir Sardar Masood Khan and Altaf Ahmed Bhat, Senior Kashmiri Hurriyat pioneer, other than others. 

The primary occasion was led by Paul Bristow MP, Vice Chair All Party Parliamentary Group on Kashmir, and facilitated by Fahim Kayani, President Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK. It's in the principal occasion where more than 50 MPs showed up to show support for the Kashmiris battling Indian occupation. 

The Conservative, Labor and Scottish National Party (SNP) MPs who went to the occasion included Jess Phillips; Debbie Abraham; Jack Dromey; Valerie Vaz; Hilary Benn; Tim Loughton; Lloyd Russell-Moyle; Rachel Maclean; Steve McCabe; Alison Thewliss; Brendan O'Hara; Marco Longhi; Colleen Fletcher; Steve Baker; Andy McDonald; Kate Hollern; Khalid Mehmood; Yasmeen Qureshi; Fabian Hamilton; Afzal Khan; Muhammad Yaseen; Antony Higginbotham; Sara Britcliffe; Jack Brereton; James Daly; Jonathan Gullis; Jo Gideon ; Suzanne Webb; Kate Griffiths; Lilian Greenwood; Jim McMahon; Dame Rosalie Winterton; Tracy Brabin MP; Tony Lloyd; and Lord Qurban Hussain. 

The speakers at the Tehreek-e-Kashmir occasion said that Indian occupation powers were carrying out unabated violations against humankind in involved Kashmir which calls for prompt mediation of the global network. 

The speakers said that Kashmir is a globally perceived contest and still on the plan of the UN Security Council however the Indian government is associated with damaging worldwide laws and shows. The speakers perceived that Indian disposition and its antagonistic arrangements have added pessimistic measurements to grave circumstance of human rights, hazard to the territorial security and its bearing on financial state of the peoples of the district. 

The speakers recognized that Prime Minister Imran Khan has over and again cautioned the universal network that the Indian adventurism could present inestimable threat to the provincial security and past and consequently India must be considered responsible. 

The Azad Kashmir President said that Indian one-sided and illicit activities on fifth August 2019 have prompted a compassionate emergency in Indian involved Kashmir because of the attack laid by 900,000 completely outfitted Indian powers laid on 8 million exposed and voiceless Kashmiris. He told the crowd that Genocide Watch has given Genocide Alert for Kashmir. Since fifth August, Kashmiris have stayed cut off from the outside world prompting regular citizen passings because of deficiencies of nourishment and prescriptions. 

Sardar Masood Khan said India has attempted to cover the issue of Kashmir for seven decades however flopped hopelessly as the Kashmiris' battle for right to self-assurance never stopped in spite of nerve racking brutalities by the occupation powers. He said India has utilized each instrument of viciousness and publicity in its collection yet it couldn't hose the soul of the Kashmiri peoples. The President said today the issue of Kashmir stands internationalized and is being talked about at global discussions and world parliaments. 

Addressing the crowd, Pakistan's High Commissioner to the UK Nafees Zakaria said that Kashmir issue was an outcome of the infringement of the fundamental standard of the segment plan and control of the boundary of limits. He refered to the chronicled records recorded by the British student of history Prof. Alastair Lamb, Secretary to the Boundary Commission Sir Christopher Beaumont, Indian Lawyer A G Noorani, and human rights Activist Victoria Schofield. 

Faheem Kayani said that India was perpetrating violations against humankind including mass killings, mass graves, mass assaults, and mass blindings in Indian involved Kashmir. He said that peoples would lose confidence in the global network and Institutions intended to secure human rights on the off chance that they don't mediate. He expressed gratitude toward cross-party parliamentarians for indicating solidarity with the Kashmiris who have been under a lockdown for over 150 days. 

Raja Najabat Hussain approached the Indian government to quickly inspire the attack of Kashmir. He asked the United Nations and European Union to send certainty discovering missions to Kashmir to meet casualties of Indian barbarities.